Affront of the Overseer
Though depictions of his body and form differ in the telling, the crackle of the Lightning Revenant’s whip is known to all of the blessed few who have returned to life from the Narrow Maze. This item can be upgraded with the ‘Compact of the Guardian Construct Style Unlock’ granted to players who complete at [...]
Affront of the Overseer
Though depictions of his body and form differ in the telling, the crackle of the Lightning Revenant’s whip is known to all of the blessed few who have returned to life from the Narrow Maze. This item can be upgraded with the ‘Compact of the Guardian Construct Style Unlock’ granted to players who complete at [...]
An armlet worthy of of a knight of the Omniscient.
Apocalyptic Fire
His branded wings are bound and bandaged, though they remain forever unable to lift him into the light.
Apocalyptic Fire
His branded wings are bound and bandaged, though they remain forever unable to lift him into the light.
Restored to righteous conflict from the vaults of Emauracus, the knells of this hammer embolden allies and rebuff all who oppose the will of the Omniscience.
Restored to righteous conflict from the vaults of Emauracus, the knells of this hammer embolden allies and rebuff all who oppose the will of the Omniscience.
Apocalyptic Fire
His branded wings are bound and bandaged, though they remain forever unable to lift him into the light.
Apocalyptic Fire
His branded wings are bound and bandaged, though they remain forever unable to lift him into the light.
Apocalyptic Fire
His branded wings are bound and bandaged, though they remain forever unable to lift him into the light.
Ancestral Trappings
To raise an arm wrapped in such a holy garment is to channel the most ancient knowledge of the Nothl Realm.
Acid Hydra
To raise an arm wrapped in such a holy garment is to channel the most ancient knowledge of the Nothl Realm.